The CCA Technical Working Group Online Meeting


1 Jan 1970

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Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)

Climate Change Adaptation Measures Achieved

  • Chairperson: Papua New Guinea
  • Vice Chair: Indonesia

This is the link to Climate Change Adaptation TOR/Rules and Regulation:

  • Rules of Procedures of the CTI-CFF Climate Change Adaptation
  • Climate Change Adaptation Working Group Goals, Targets and Indicators
  • The CTI-CFF Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Working Group is a working group established by the six (6) Member Countries to help implement Goal 4 of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action, Climate Change Adaptation Measures Achieved. The CCA working group helps to address economic and livelihood needs of coastal communities heavily dependent on marine and coastal resources.

    The members of CCA Working Group from 2018 – present are as follows:

    Name Position Email
    Dr.Irawan Asaad, ST., M.Sc (Chair) Director for Climate Change Adaptation Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    Mr. Muhammad Yusuf Director for Coastal and Small Islands Utilization
    Ms. Nuraieni Deputy Director, Directorate of Climate Change Adaptation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Indonesia NCC Secretariat --
    Ms. Puan Roslinda binti Ulang Undersecretary, Environmental Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
    Dr. Ejria Salleh Borneo Marine Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
    Najmuddin Jemain Deputy Under Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability --
    Malaysia NCC Secretariat Malaysian National Coodinating Committee
    Papua New Guinea
    Mr. Iki Peter Acting Manager for Adaptation, Adaptation and Projects Division, Climate Change and Development Authority
    Ms. Stephenie Rere Adaptation Officer, Adaptation and Projects Division, Climate Change and Development Authority
    Papua New Guinea NCC Secretariat Papua New Guinea National Coodinating Committee
    Ms. Elenida Basug Executive Director of DENR Climate Change Service; Support Staff , B and Mr. Albert Magalang, DENR Climate Change Service
    Mr. John Erick Avelino OIC Section Chief, Biodiversity Management Bureau DENR
    Mr. Albert Magalang DENR Climate Change Service
    Philippines NCC Secretariat Philippines National Coodinating Committee
    Solomon Islands
    Mr. Marlchom Zion Row Climate Change Officer, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Meteorology
    Ms. Maselyn Kopuria Senior Climate Change Officer, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology --
    Timor Leste
    Mr. Rui dos Reis Pires(Co-Chair) National Director for Biodiversity, Secretary State for Environment /
    Mr. Junior Pascoal Carvalho Chief of Department Fisheries and Aquaculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Liqisa Municipality

    The previous Climate Change Adaptation Chairs and Co-Chairs are as follows:

    Year Chair Country Co-Chair Country
    2022 - 2024 Mr. Iki Peter Papua New Guinea Ms. Sri Tantri Arundati Indonesia
    2021 - 2022 Ms. Luanne Losi-Yawingu Papua New Guinea Ms. Sri Tantri Arundati Indonesia
    2020 - 2021 TBC Philippines Ms. Luanne Losi-Yawingu Papua New Guinea
    2019-2020 Engr. Noel Antonio V. Gerlan Philippines Ms. Luanne Losi-Yawingu Papua New Guinea
    2018 Dr. Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu Malaysia Engr. Noel Antonio V. Gerlan Philippines
    2017-2018 Captain Zaharuddin Maidin Malaysia Engr. Noel Antonio V. Gerlan Philippines
    2014-2017 Ms. Agnetha Vave-Karamui Solomon Islands National Oceanography Directorate (NOD) Ministry of Science, Technology and InnoVation (MOSTI) Malaysia
    2010-2013 Dr. Gellwynn Jusuf Indonesia Ms. Agnetha Vave-Karamui Solomon Islands

    In 2015, the working group published the Region-wide Early Action Plan (REAP) for CCA in the CT Region and the Local Early Action Plan (LEAP) for CCA. These documents were developed through a series of call meetings, REXs, workshops and formal meetings with CCA country focal points together with development partners and other stakeholders. Some countries with the assistance of NGOs and partners are using the REAP and the LEAP in conducting various CCA-related activities at the local level.

    Other examples of the accomplishments of the CCA Working Group include:

  • Developed the Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Coastal Ecosystems
  • Developed the Climate Change Adaptation for Coral Triangle Communities: A guide for Vulnerability Assessment and Local Early Action Planning
  • Developed the CTI-CFF Region-Wide Early Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation
  • Developed the First CTI-CFF Climate Change Adaptation for Coastal Communities Course
  • Conducted the following Regional Exchanges:
    1. 3rd Regional Exchange of Climate Change Adaptation held in Dili, Timor Leste
    2. 2nd Regional Exchange of Climate Change Adaptation held in Honiara, Solomon Islands
    3. CTI-CFF First Regional Exchange on Policy and Action Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

    6th Climate Change Technical Working Group Meeting

    Proposed CLimate Change Adaptation Working Group Workplan for 2023:

    Planned Activities Time Frame Proposed Budget Online
    7th CCA Working Group Meeting together with Regional Exchange:
    • Developing CEPA and Strategy for CCA
    • Q1-Q2
    • USD 8,500
    Finalization of Executive Course
    • 2nd part of the course
    TBD Support from the partner

    Workshop on Conducting the vulnerability assessments to achieve Target Output B3.1.1 By 2025, Exposure and vulnerability levels including projections on climate change risks are established and reported through the mid-term report in the CT Region

    TBD Support from the partner

    Workshop to update and disseminate of CT6 climate change adaptation action plans to achieve Target Output B3.1.2 By 2025, relevant existing climate change adaptation action plans are updated, guided by current climate change projections and technology, and disseminated within the CT region

    TBD Support from the partner


    # Date Location Meeting Title Meeting Documents
    1 5-6 September 2019 Manila, Philippine 6th CTI-CFF Techincal Working Group meeting
    2 10-13 April 2018 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 5th CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation
    3 26-27 September 2016 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 4th CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation
    4 29-31 May 2013 Dili, Timor Leste 3rd CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation
    5 14-21 April 2011 Gizo and Honiara, Solomon Islands 2nd CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation
    6 21-23 October 2010 Ancol, Jakarta, Indonesia 1st CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation