Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group Event


15 - 17 July 2024

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Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group

Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group

  • Chairperson: Malaysia
  • Co-Chair: Papua New Guinea

This is the link to Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group TOR/Rules and Regulation approved in SOM-8th:

  • Rules of Procedures of the CTI-CFF Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group
  • The Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group (MEWG) was formed in 2012 and had worked on an ad hoc basis to develop a full CTI Monitoring and Evaluation System and provide technical inputs and recommendations to the Regional Secretariat and the National Coordinating Committee (NCCs) of the CT6.

    The members of Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group from 2019 - present are:

    Name Position Email
    Mr. Ari Prabowo Director of Public Relation and International Cooperation, Secretariat General, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
    Indonesia NCC Secretariat Indonesia National Coordinating Committee
    H.E. Dato' Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang(Chair) Secretary General Ministry of Environment and Water
    Malaysia NCC Secretariat Malaysia National Coordinating Committee
    Papua New Guinea
    Ms. Yvonne Tio (Co-Chair) Executive Manager, Conservation Environment Protection Authority
    Ms. Lorel Dandava Manager Inshore Fisheries
    Ms. Natividad Y. Bernardino, Director (OIC), Biodiversity Management Bureau DENR BFAR
    Ms. Armida P. Andres Chief Coastal & Marine Division, DENR-BMB
    Philippines NCC Secretariat Philippines National Coordinating Committee
    Solomon Islands
    Ms. Nelly Kere Chief Project Coordinator, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology, Solomon Islands
    Ms. Agnetha Vave-Karamui National Coordinating Committee Focal Point, Chief Conservation Officer, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology;
    Mr. Celestino da Cunha Barreto National Director of Marine Spatial Planning, Catch and Aquatic Resources Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Ms Inocencia Maria Belo Technical Staff, Department of Capture and Post Harvest N/a

    The position of MEWG Chair and Co-Chair are being held by Malaysia NCC and Papua New Guinea NCC respectively:

    Year Chair Country Co-Chair Country
    2021-Current H.E. Dato' Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang Malaysia Ms. Yvonne Tio Papua New Guinea
    Madam Noor Afifah Abdul Razak Ms. Yvonne Tio
    Dato' Jana Santhiran Muniayan Ms. Yvonne Tio
    2020-2021 Ms. Amelita DJ Ortiz Philippines Dr. Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu Malaysia

    The MEWG developed the CTI-CFF Monitoring & Evaluation System Operation Manual which was endorsed during the 9th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-9) in November 2013 and conducted in Manila, Philippines.

    The CTI-CFF Monitoring and Evaluation System Operation Manual (M&E System) is structured to provide a framework for the M&E System; define indicators for each of the five RPOA goals as well as the three higher level outcomes; provide a comprehensive workflow to collect, analyse and report indicators against progress; and help the six countries and the technical working groups to manage the M&E System for adaptive management.

    the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, and Communications Workshop and MEWG Meeting on July 25-27, 2023, in Manado, Indonesia

    For 2023, the working group has identified the following (potential) activities:

    For 2023, the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group will be:

    Activities Time frame Approved Budget Online
    Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group- Physical meeting, and the Monitoring and Evaluation training- Physical training. (Propose to be conducted in Pacific Countries, TBD in SOM 17) Q2 USD 8,500
    RPOA 2.0
    • M&E Plan Framework (upon receive the data from CT6 then the M&E Plan Framework will be finalized)
    • Online meeting prior – Physical meeting for finalization
    Q1 TBD
    • CT Atlas - Track the progress
    • Training and Discussions
    Q2-Q3 USD 8,500
    GIS training Q1- Q2 Looking for partner’s support
    Activities from RPOA 2.0
    • Implement of M&E activities
    • Development of a priority regional score card and dashboard
    • Access and full operation of CT Atlas as an updated platform for regional information/data and for tracking implementation of the RPO 2.0
    TBD RS will further discuss to get financial support from fund available from partners or future global fund which is currently peruse by RS

    No. Documents Name Documents Link
    1 MEWG Terms of Reference
    2 Monitoring & Evaluation System Operation Manual
    3 Regional State of the Coral Triangle Report
    4 1st CTI Regional Priority Workshop Report
    5 2nd CTI Regional Priorities Workshop
    6 3rd regional Priorities workshop