Papua New Guinea

H.E. Jude Tinok Tukuliya
- Acting Managing Director of the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
Ms. Kay Kumaras Kalim
- Director, Sustainable Environment Program
- Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Climate Change
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Focal Point, Papua New Guinea National CTI Coordinating Committee
- (+675) 7703 3633
- (+675) 7661 7137
- Papua New Guinea Official Website
- Facebook Page PNGCoralTriangleInitiative
The Papua New Guinea (PNG) CTI-CFF National Coordination Committee (NCC) was established by the National Executive Council in May 2009 to provide intra-government coordination of PNG’s involvement in the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security. The NCC is led by representatives from the Department of Environment and Conservation, the National Fisheries Authority, and the Office of Climate Change and Development. Its members include officers from the Departments of National Planning and Monitoring, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prime Minister and National Executive Council as well as provincial and local level governments.
The PNG Marine Program on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security from 2010-2015 embodies the PNG CTI-CFF National Plan of Action (NPOA) and incorporates the five goals of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action. The program integrates priority actions from all responsible government agencies in an integrated manner to ensure effective management of the country’s marine habitats and resources to sustain its coastal population.
Since its establishment, the NCC has grown into an inclusive unit that enjoins academic institutions, non-government organizations and local leaders as vital partners in the implementation of its NPOA. It has also strategically engaged key officials from coastal provinces in the country who are the frontlines in management and protection of coastal and marine resources. At the regional level, the NCC has taken the lead in hosting key CTI-CFF meetings and regional events such as the Third CTI-CFF Senior Officials Meeting in 2009 and the CTI-CFF Course on Climate Change Adaptation for Coastal Communities and Training of Trainers in September 2011. At the national level, the NCC has taken the lead in the implementation an ecosystem approach to fisheries management in local communities; implementation of climate change adaptation and sustainable fisheries principles in key marine protected areas; and facilitated an agreement between local governments and communities to ensure effective management of their marine environment.