Coordination Mechanism Working Group
Interim Chair

Ms. Mareena Mahpudz
Under-Secretary Finance Division, Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation (MOSTI),
Regional Secretariat GWG and CCT Senior Manager

Jasmin Mohd Saad
Governance Working Group and Cross-Cutting Themes
Senior Manager
+6017 296 9226
Working Group Members
Appointed Members of National Coordinating Committees (NCCs)
General Description of CMWG
Section IV of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) describes that “the successful implementation of the CTI Plan of Action – with its wide ranging and ambitious scope – will require a set of well-structured and highly effective coordination mechanisms across multiple levels of organization. In addition, it will require a large and diverse group of implementation partners from within and outside the region including local governments, local communities, NGOs, major funding institutions, multilateral and bilateral organizations, private sectors companies and others.”
2014, the Coordination Mechanism Working Group (CMWG) have had three (3) meetings to finalize the permanent CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat operations plan and budget as well as immediate steps to be implemented prior to the commencement of the Executive Director on: (i) 19-20 February 2014 in Putrajaya, Malaysia; (ii) 21 April 2014 in Bali, Indonesia; and (iii) 13 May 2014 in Manado, Indonesia.
During the 10th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-10), held in November 2014 in Timor-Leste, the selection of the first Executive Director to the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat was confirmed and recommended to the Council of Ministers for appointment.
During SOM-10 discussion, the CTI-CFF member-countries noted that there have been project development initiatives carrying the name of Coral Triangle Initiative. The CTI-CFF member countries wish that any project contributing to CTI-CFF RPOA goals/targets, operating in CTI geography, and carrying Coral Triangle brand will have official endorsement from the CTI-CFF prior to its implementation.
This concern is presented to SOM-10 to seek clarification and guidance on CTI-CFF policy on the use of CTI-CFF (or CTI) in future project development and other related fund-raising initiatives. The decisions then during the session on “Development of Guidelines/Recommendations on the Use of CTI-CFF for Project Development Pursuits and Other Related Fund-Raising Initiatives” were:
- To task the CMWG in collaboration with the Regional Secretariat to develop guidelines on the use of CTI-CFF RPOA goals/targets, Coral Triangle geography, and Coral Triangle brand in the process of securing funding for project and other fund-raising activities (Decision 10.a); and
- The guidelines may cover provisions such as approval and endorsement mechanisms, program alignment with RPOA and NPOA, resource allocation to the Regional Secretariat, monitoring and evaluation and overall management services under the auspices of CTI-CFF (Decision 10.b).
Several milestones were achieved and was reported at SOM-12 in Papua New Guinea in November 2016. These were reflected in the decisions:
- Endorsed the publication of the Agreement on the Establishment of the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat which includes the Rules of Procedures; Staff Regulations; and Financial Regulations taking into consideration the approved amendments that have been endorsed by SOM-12;
- Acknowledged the publication of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA);
- Acknowledged the progress of the drafting and design of the History of CTI-CFF and the CTI Leaders’ Declaration to be completed prior to the next SOM;
- Acknowledged and endorsed amendments to the CTI-CFF logo;
- Approved and endorsed the use of the CTI-CFF Communication Strategy (including Work Plan and Branding Guidelines) upon review by all NCC by 30 November 2016; and
- Acknowledged the provision for the CTI Workspace and for Regional Secretariat to provide training and information of use for the Workspace (this would eventually be the CTI-CFF e-library).
The main deliverable for the CMWG was the setting up of the permanent Regional Secretariat and since this has been achieved in April 2015 with the appointment of the first Executive Director, the CMWG now have the responsibility to ensure that the “Development of Guidelines/Recommendations on the Use of CTI-CFF for Project Development Pursuits and Other Related Fund-Raising Initiatives” is achieved and implemented to meet with SOM-10 Decision 10.
What's new & Notifications
19-20 October 2017; Putrajaya, MALAYSIA
Meeting with the Interim Chair of CMWG in preparation for the 13th Senior Officials’ Meeting
27th November 2017; Manila, PHILIPPINES
CMWG Pre-SOM Meeting
29th November 2017; Manila, PHILIPPINES
13th Senior Officials’ Meeting
Past & Upcoming Meetings
The Council of Senior Officers (CTI-CSO) through the 10th and 11th Senior Officials’ Meeting mandated the Coordination Mechanism Working Group (CMWG) to work on the “Development of Guidelines / Recommendations on the Use of CTI-CFF for Project Development Pursuits and Other Related Fund-Raising Initiatives” and its implementation.
The main objective of the CMWG in relation to the mandate given is to ensure that together with the Regional Secretariat through the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) that the process of new programs / projects to support the goals and targets of the Regional Plan of Action; cross cutting themes1 and new emerging issues can be assessed and implemented under the Coral Triangle Initiative brand through a systematic and comprehensive framework.
1Cross Cutting Themes includes the Women Leaders Forum (WLF) and youth programs; Regional Business Forum (RBF) / Business Advisory Group (BAC); Local Government Network (LGN); Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) and Capacity Building.
The CMWG shall work with the Regional Secretariat towards the completion of the following:
- Finalization of CMWG Terms of Reference;
- CTI-CFF Proposal Toolkit 2017-2020;
- Preparation for the setting-up of the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) in the Regional Secretariat;
- CTI-CFF Coffee Table Book (title yet to be finalized);
- CTI-CFF website; and
- CTI-CTI e-library.