Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group Event


15 - 17 July 2024

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June 12 -- CT Day in Lubang, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines


The town of Lubang in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines, celebrated CT Day 2014 on Philippine Independence Day, June 12, with a commemoration program and a half-day “environmental clean-up.” The local government led a multi-sector clean-up crew that included students, members of civic groups and a youth organization, representatives from national government agencies, law enforcers and municipal employees, as well as residents who live along the town’s coast, riverbanks, and creeks. The group collected a total of 16 tons of garbage. Lubang is one of two towns on Lubang Island, which lies on the Verde Island Passage, said to be the center of the center of marine shorefish diversity. (Hover on photos to see details, click any photo to view slideshow.)
