Coral Triangle Day 2017: Bringing Bloggers and Vloggers to Combat Plastic Waste

17 October 2017
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Medy Kesuma Putra
From Left: Ujang Solihin Sidik from Ministry of Environment and Forestry Dr. Nani Hendriati from Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Dr. Ir. Aryo Hanggono, DEA from Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Hamish Daud, a marine enthusiast Trinity, a book author and traveler Dayu Hatmanti, Miss Scuba Internation 2011

As part of CTI-CFF, Coral Triangle Day (CT Day) is being held on annual basis on June 9th. For year 2017, a strong call to action against plastic pollution of the oceans is the highlight of this year’s Coral Triangle Day Celebration. Themed ‘Curbing Marine Debris – Reduce Your Plastic Waste!’ this year’s Coral Triangle Day Celebration is celebrated by NNC Indonesia at Goethe Haus, Jakarta on July 16th 2017. The event was done under coordination with the Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF, and is supported by GIZ BMUB Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Project, WWF Indonesia, RARE and

One way of saving the ocean is combating marine debris. And as the 2nd biggest producers of marine debris in the world, 3.22 million metric tons of plastic waste a year, it is the responsibility of Indonesian on how to reduce solid land waste that will eventually flown into the ocean. Aiming to save the ocean by advocating using less plastic also means raising awareness to change people’s way of life style, people’s habit, and even more, people’s culture.

To further drive home the message that simple actions make a big difference, taking a form of an interactive talk show, the event features 4 speakers: Ujang Solihin Sidik from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Nani Hendriati from Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Dr. Ir. Aryo Hanggono, DEA from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Hamish Daud, a marine enthusiast and a famous Indonesia actor, and Trinity, a well-known best seller book author and an avid traveler. The talk show was moderated by Dayu Hatmanti, Miss Scuba International in 2011, who is also a marine enthusiast and a TV host.

The main target participants for this event are young influencers, bloggers and vloggers, and environment activists and marine enthusiast. These young individuals are actively engaged with their dedicated followers whether on social media as well as in other medias; they have the ability to reach out to hundreds and thousands of followers, whom may resonate the campaign message that this event is advocating on; these young individuals have become young people role model on current life style, hence can become good ambassador for the reduce your plastic usage campaign.

Official welcome remarks were delivered by Mr. Agus Dermawan, representing NCC Indonesia, and Mr. Zulazmi, Deputy Country Director of GIZ Indonesia. A heartwarming opening started by Jamaliyah, a little girl from Bawean Island. She read her letter for the Minister, which she wrote as her way to “Express Your Love for the Ocean”. Through the question and answer session, numerous participants expressed how they are unaware of most how vast the amount of garbage Indonesia produce that is badly contributing and damaging marine environment. In between the sessions, a percussion music band, Baturara, using used goods such as gallon, pots/pans, and bucket, took the stage and perform. Closing the event, a fasting break was held with all invitees and participants.

Starting from the event, post event the bloggers and vloggers continue posting on social media and through their own channel, the take home messages from the event. The hashtags used were #CTDayJkt, #sayno2plastic, #curbingmarinedebris and others. One posting from the resource person, Hamish Daud, said “We have the most diverse coral and marine biodiversity on the planet. It is of the utmost important for us to preserve it, while also showing it to world what we have.” He got 86,471 Likes on Instagram.