Details of CTI-CFF Events Announced for World Coral Reef Conference

24 April 2014
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Organizers of the upcoming World Coral Reef Conference (WCRC) to be held in Manado, Indonesia have released details on several CTI-CFF events scheduled around the Conference.

Four CTI-CFF events are lined up for May 13, a day before the WCRC officially opens. These are as follows:

  • 08:30-10:30 -- Meeting of the Coordination Mechanisms Working Group (CMWG) to review and finalize the 2014 Operations Plan and Budget of the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and its requisite resourcing strategy; review and finalize the 2015 Operations Plan and Budget; review an indicative Operations Plan and Budget for 2016 and 2017; and review and agree next steps in the interim period before the Executive Director assumes office.
  • 11:00-12:30 – Coral Triangle MPA System (CTMPAS) and Flagship MPA Sites Launch Activity including overview of the history, development and content of the CTMPAS Framework and Action Plan and its means of implementation and tracking progress; formal launch of CTMPAS Framework and Action Plan; presentation of MPAs nominated by each country and sharing of lessons and progress; panel discussion to highlight lessons, challenges and key future actions for CTMPAS; and formulation of a commitment statement for the 5th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting (MM5).
  • 13:30-15:30 – Launch of the CTI-CFF Women Leaders’ Forum consisting of a video presentation on Coral Triangle women champions; awarding of marine conservation grants to grassroots women leaders; launch of CTI-CFF Women’s Database; panel discussion with women entrepreneurs; and sign-up activity for the CTI-CFF Women’s Network.
  • 16:00-18:00 – CTI-CFF Sustainable Financing and Stock-take focused on stock--taking and exploring different strategies to chart the future of the CTI-CFF, including review and stock-taking of the CTI-CFF programs of the Asian Development Bank (ADB); presentation of Sustainable Financial Architecture Inception Report and Pilot Projects; and launch of the State of the Coral Triangle Reports, the Regional State of the Coral Triangle Report, the Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Coral Triangle (EFACT), and the CTI Project Mapping Tool.

On May 14-15, the CTI-CFF Senior Officials will hold a special meeting (Special SOM) to review and deliberate on recommendations from the Technical Working Groups, focusing in particular on the operational concerns of the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat, including the appointment of its Executive Director.

The Special SOM will be followed immediately by the MM5, which is scheduled for 14:00-16:45 on May 15. The MM5 will endorse decisions from the Special SOM, including the appointment of the Executive Director and matters related to the establishment and operations of the permanent Secretariat, expansion of the CTI-CFF cooperation mechanisms, and acceptance of new Party (member) and Partner applicants into the CTI-CFF.

Other events scheduled for May 15 include a Partners’ Dialogue, presentation to the Ministers of CTI-CFF products and programs (including CTMPAS and the CTI-CFF Framework for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management), handover of the Chairmanship of the Coral Triangle Council of Ministers from Malaysia to PNG, and a press conference.

The CTI-CFF events will culminate on May 16 with the inauguration of the CTI Center, which will serve as the headquarters of the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to grace this event.

Set for May 14-17, the WCRC is intended to bring together different perspectives, disciplines and expertise to promote the development of an international convention on coral reefs.

For more information about the CTI-CFF events and the WCRC, please contact Mr. Arwandrija Rukma, Regional Coordinator of the CTI-CFF Interim Regional Secretariat, at

