The EAFM Technical Working Group Online Preparatory Meeting


10 - 10 February 2025

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Upcoming meeting of Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group targets finalization of CTI-CFF RPOA 2.0

30 March 2020
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CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

Manado, Indonesia – As the commitments in the 1st CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) are continously implemented, Coral Triangle six (6) member countries expect tangible and significant improvements in the health of coral reefs, status of food security and welfare of the coastal and marine communities.

To ensure improvements continue, CTI-CFF through the Regional Secretariat (RS) is pursuing the finalization of the renewal of the CTI-CFF RPOA 2.0. The RPOA 2.0 is aimed at focusing and aligning regional collaboration to support inter-alia, high level outcomes that will be considered beneficiary by the six country leadership in the next 5 to 10 years.

The RS had initially scheduled the meeting of the MEWG on 30 March to 3 April 2020, which aims to gather inputs and agreements from the CT6 to finalize the Strategic Results Framework and identify agreed priority-time-bound activities under the RPOA 2.0; discuss the indicators for the RPOA targets and harmonize them with other multilateral environmental agreements such as UNFCCC and Paris Accord, CBD Aichi Target 11 and SDGs. Participants will also undergo training from WorldFish IT expert on the redesigned CT Atlas.

However, due to the worsening situation of corona virus diseases (COVID-19) and the announcement from World Health Organization (WHO) characterizing COVID-19 as a global pandemic, the Regional Secretariat has postponed the meeting until further notice.

