14th Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM-14) Chairman's Summary and its Annexes and Attachments

SOM 14 - Chairman's Summary
#session Session Title Related Documents
Session 01 Opening
Session 02 CTI Progress Report
Session 03 Chairman's Report
Session 04 Amendments to the Agreement
Session 05 Appointment Process ED and DED_CS
Session 06 Partners Dialogue_RPOA
Session 07 Financial Report
Session 08 TWG Report, Roadmap and Budget
Session 09 GWG Report, Roadmap and Budget
Session 10 Country Reports
Country Reports Malaysia
Country Reports Papua new Guinea
Country Reports Solomon Islands
Country Reports Timor Leste
Session 11 Cross Cutting Themes
Session 12 Calendar of Events
Session 13 MM7 Agenda and JMS
Session 14 SOM-15
Session 15 Other Matters
Session 16 Review Chairman Summary and Closing