Images of The Coral Triangle Day 2014: SOLOMON ISLANDS



This year, Solomon Islands marked The Coral Triangle Day on two occasions: On June 9, The Coral Triangle Day itself, and on June 5, at the launch of the “Clean Up Mataniko River” at the National Art Gallery in Honiara that also commemorated The Coral Triangle Day, along two other major environment events this month, World Environment Day (June 5) and World Oceans Day (June 8).  (Click photos to see more)

 June 5-Launch of Clean Up Mataniko River and Commemoration of CT Day
June 5
Launch of Clean Up Mataniko River and Commemoration of The Coral Triangle Day 2014, Honiara

June 9 - The Coral Triangle Day 2014 in Solomon Islands
June 9
Radio Quiz Program and Other Activities Celebrating The Coral Triangle Day 2014