Guidelines for the Implementation of the CTI-CFF GENDER EQUALITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION (GESI) Policy
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- Policy and Action Plans li>
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- Policies and Agreements
The acceptance and adoption of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy at the 16th Senior Officials’ Meeting of CTI-CFF on December 16, 2021, was one of the achievements in integrating GESI within CTI-CFF. This means that the GESI Policy will be implemented at all relevant levels within CTI-CFF and in all its activities and programs with member countries and partners. Adopting the GESI Policy will ensure that CTI-CFF will be more sensitive and responsive to GESI issues that require more than just increasing the number of one Gender, or group in the organization. It also means better understanding how formal and informal policies, practices, and procedures across the CTI-CFF organization will reinforce the implementation of the GESI Policy. This implementing Guideline is one way to guide the integration of the GESI Policy into any interventions or programs being implemented by the CTI-CFF in the Coral Triangle Area.
This document, “Guidelines for the Implementation of the CTI-CFF GESI Policy” was pre-drafted and presented at the online workshop on “Socializing and Developing Guidelines for CTI-CFF GESI Policy Implementation” organized by the USAID Sustainable Fish Asia (SUFIA) Local Capacity Development (LCD)1 Activity in collaboration with the SUFIA Technical Support (TS)2 Activity, on May 24, 2022. Inputs from participants were then included to strengthen the draft guidelines. This consultative process was the first of a series of consultations to encourage the full participation of CTI-CFF members and partners in developing the implementing guidelines that they will be implementing.
On September 28, 2023 USAID SuFiA TS supported the CTI-CFF Women Leaders’ Forum to convene a workshop for members and representatives to review the strategic elements of the Guidelines. Subsequently, they agreed to present the Guidelines at the next 18th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM18) for approval and endorsement. This will then ensure that the Guidelines will be integrated into CTI-CFF programming of activities within the Regional Secretariat and with the working groups, strategic partners and other potential proponents.
The Activity Reports of both workshops can be found here for more details on the process and list of participants.
The Guideline is a living document and thus will be reviewed from time to time.
*Please also refer to the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy here!