Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group Event


15 - 17 July 2024

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Regional Secretariat to Conduct the First CTI-CFF University Partnership Meeting

23 February 2017
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Andie Wibianto


RS CTI-CFF Visits CTI COM and NCC Philippines

17 January 2017
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Andie Wibianto

The Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF pays a courtesy visit to newly elected CTI COM Chair, Hon. Regina L. Lopez of the Philippines, Lopez replaces the former CTI-COM Chair, Hon. John Pundari MP of Papua New Guinea.

Swansea University honours Vice-Chancellor of the University Malaysia Terengganu

14 January 2017
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Andie Wibianto

The Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF would like to congratulate Prof. Dato Dr. Nor Aieni Haji Mokhtar for her latest DSc (Doctor of Science) award from Swansea University Prifysgol Abertawe

CTI-CFF contributes critical points and actions to achieve Sustainable Developing Goals 14 on oceans and seas

20 December 2016
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Kirana Agustina

UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna International Center 

Coral Triangle Initiatives’ National Coordinating Committee (NCC) meets over program development

04 December 2016
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kirana Agustina

A 2-day Consultative Meeting in Bali between RS CTI-CFF, NCCs Member States and Development Partner

Port Moresby witnesses the Coral Triangle Initiative’s 12th Senior Officials’ Meeting and the 6th Ministerial Meeting

01 December 2016
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Kirana Agustina

The Coral Triangle Initiative had its 12th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-12) and 6th Ministerial Meeting (MM-6) on 1-2 November 2016; and 3rd November 2016 respectively.

Sustainable Marine Tourism in The Coral Triangle Marine Protected Areas System

21 December 2016
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Kirana Agustina

CT6 MPA Focal Points, RS and MPA Coordinator taken during the Press Conference

CTI-CFF Contributes Inputs on Ocean Governance in the UNDESA and UNIDO Assembly in Vienna, Austria

19 December 2016
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Andie Wibianto

REPORT : Low Footprint Seafood in the Coral Triangle

16 December 2016
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Kirana Agustina

WWF Coral Triangle Coordination just launched a new report on Low Footprint Seafood in the Coral Triangle

UMT conferred Doctor Honoris Causa to Indonesian scientist, Widi A. Pratikto, Ph.D

20 December 2016
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Kirana Agustina