Call for Application to Participate in the bidding of medical insurance and group personal accident(GPA) of the CTI CFF regional Secretariat

Date: 18 March 2025
End Date: 26 March 2025
Status: Open

The Regional Secretariat of Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Food and Fisheries (RS CTI CFF) Conditions of Employment foresee that a contributory medical benefits and dental plan is mandatory for RS staff. Their dependent spouses and their dependent children are eligible forcoverage. Members of staff on a fixed-term contract under one year or above one year as well as part-time members maybe authorized to opt out of the medical plan on production of evidence that their medical expenses are otherwise covered. The mandatory and contributory medical benefits and dental plan is not subject to the host country law. The current RS’s Medical Benefits and Dental Plan concluded with a service provider is due for renewal in May 2025. The Regional Secretariat of CTI CFF, office in Manado, North-Sulawesi Indonesia is requesting proposals from qualified and international affiliated insurance firms to send its proposal to cover group term insurance health benefits and group personal accident for fiscal year 2025/2026 not ater than 26 March 2025.

I. Background

Coral Triangle Initiatives Coral Reefs Fisheries and Food Securities (CTI-CFF) The CTI-CFF is an international organization that was officially launched on 15 May 2009 during the Summit of Heads of States of Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste or called as CT6 as stated in the “CTI Leader’s Declaration” with a view of working together to sustain extraordinary marine and coastal resources includingcoral reefs, sea-grasses, mangrove ecosystems, and their fishes in the coral triangle area by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change and marine biodiversity. The multilateral partnership of six countries aims to facilitate regional collaboration around sustainable development policies and practices related to marine resource exploitation by combining solid conservation actions with good governance while also recognizing the distinct political, economic, environmental, and social challenges of each individual CT6 country.

CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

On 1 April 2015, the permanent Regional Secretariat was officially established. The headquarters of the Regional Secretariat is located in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The operational activities of the Regional Secretariat are funded by the contribution of the CTI-CFF Member States. In some cases, voluntary contributions offered by CTI Partners and other non- Parties and entities may be accepted. The Regional Secretariat is mandated to promote regional cooperation, sharing of lessons, and facilitate learning across the six Coral Triangle countries. Its main activities cover the following areas: organizational development, outreach and communication, regional coordination and mechanisms, technical and thematic working groups, development of key regional reports, and capacity development. The current activities of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat are to supporting the operation and activities related to the deliverables of programs, Working Groups and Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) assigned tasks. As an efficient organization, currently RS has staff including families of no less than 20 (twenty) people.


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