Request for Financial Audit Services

Date: 5 November 2020
End Date: 24 November 2020
Status: Closed

The Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF, office in Manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia is requesting proposals froim qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants to audit its financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and may be reappointed  for the next fiscal year 2021. These audits shall be performed in accordance with the Performance Specifications listed in Terms of Reference attached to this Request for Proposal.

The Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF desires the auditor to express an opinion on the fair presentation of its General Purposes Financial Statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The firm selected could be ratianed for a period of two years, the audit report for Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021, this depend upon a satisfactory completion of the 2021's audit.

Copies of previous annual reports of the Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF are on file in the Finance Department. Questions concerning this Request for Proposal should be directed to Gustaaf A. Lumiu, email: Please submit your proposals not later than 24 November 2020. 


TOR for Auditor 2020.pdf121.92 KB

