About This Event
The conduct of the MPA Regional Exchange, (MPA REX) that is linked to a MPA Technical Working Group (MPA TWG) Meeting, is crucial because this serves as a monitoring element of the CTI to assess and evaluate the performance of the CT6 in terms of contribution to the attainment of the goals and targets of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action. The MPA Technical Working Group is responsible to provide updates/reports to the Senior Officials on the progress of goals and targets of Goal 3.
1. Strengthened CTMPAS
a. Written Report with Status and Progress of MPAs in CT6 and CT Atlas
b. Discussion and CTMPAS Status for RPOA 1 Targets, with identified challenges to achieving RPOA 2.0 Targets
c. Shared Management Effectiveness Tools with Lessons Learned, and proposal of one or more common tools/approaches for CTMPAS sites
d. Regional Recognition/Awards recommended for best managed MPAs
e. Completed 3rd Round of CTMPAS nominations for new and advancing sites with recommendations for SOM 15 approval
f. External Committee identified for CTMPAS award with recommendations for SOM 15 approval
2. Preparation for SOM 15 (Sol Is)
a. Updated CTI-CFF MPA workplan for 2019 and Draft 2020 MPA Workplan
b. Comments on RPOA 2.0 and Pre-SOM [RS]
c. Developed Agenda and Workplan/Budget for the 8th MPA Technical Working Group (MPA TWG) Meeting
d. Completed 8th MPA TWG Meeting with Report
e. Prepared agenda and materials for Pre-SOM and SOM 15th in Solomon
i. CTMPAS report and Nominations for site ranking, awards, External Committee
ii. RPOA 1.0 status and RPOA 2.0 recommendations
iii. Launch of Marine Sustainable Tourism Task Force
iv. CT MPA TWG Workplan for 2020
3. Strengthened CT6 MPA Professionals and Institutions to Manage CTMPAS
a. Training on CT Atlas operation and finalization of CT6 Focal Points
b. Report and Lessons Learned from CMAR September Exchange on MPA M&E Protocols (27 September – 4 October 2019 in Gorgona, Colombia)
c. Conducted MPA Exchange Visit on MPA Management to Malaysia Tun Mustafa Park (early development phase, SMT theme) with Lessons Learned, Recommendations
d. Establishment and early actions of the Sustainable Marine Tourism Task Force:
i. Shared review of 2018 Tourism Workshop and recommendations
ii. Report on early CT6 country info for developing a MPA SMT Program: (Actions should be completed before REX and included in Country Report)
iii. Developed/refined criteria, indicator and brand for sustainable marine tourism in the CT
Provisional Agenda
Refer to the document agenda
Documents and Attachments
- Date: 24 October 2019
- File Size: 352,689KB
List of Attendances
(*) Need Confirmation
Kota Kinabalu (Meeting Venue) and Kudat (site visit to Tan Mustafa Park)
41st Meeting of the SEAFDEC Program Committee (41PCM) and 21st Consultative Group of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Strategic Partnership
About This Event
The meeting aims to review the programs of SEAFDEC that have been implemented through the year 2018 and discuss new projects and activities for the coming year 2019.
Provisional Agenda
Documents and Attachments
List of Attendances
(*) Need Confirmation
Bayview Langkawi
Langkawi, Malaysia
Gallery: Climate Change Adaptation Working Group Thrash Out Progress and Challenges on its 5th Year of Regional Exchange
The 5th CTI-CFF CCA Working Group Meeting and Grant-Writing Workshop, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

About This Event
Provisional Agenda
Documents and Attachments
- Date: 06 April 2018
- File Size: 1MB
List of Attendances
(*) Need Confirmation