The Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group Online Preparatory Meeting


13 - 13 February 2025

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10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas

Start: 20 April 2020
End: 24 April 2020
Status: Confirmed

About This Event

This document summarises the purpose and core elements of the 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas to be held in 2020, and provides essential information for partners, prospective donors and other organisations interested in supporting this important event.

There have been nine Nature Conservation and Protected Areas Conferences in the Pacific since 1975 with the last conference being held in Fiji in November 2013. The 10th Conference is to be held 20- 24th April 2020, prior to the end of the United Nations Decade for Biodiversity (2011-2020) giving the Pacific an important opportunity to review progress on the achievement of global conservation targets (Aichi targets) and to influence the global vision for conservation beyond 2020.


A conference planning committee will lead the development of the agenda and the outcomes for the Conference. However, there are a few key standard outcomes that the Conference addresses:
  • Review the current Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas and formulate a new Framework for the next inter-conference period. A draft is prepared in advance of the Conference for review and discussion by participants.
  • Launch a new State of Conservation in Oceania (SOCO) report 2020 to update the 2013 SOCO.
  • Review progress towards the achievement of CBD commitments including the Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA), the Nagoya Protocol and the Cartagena Protocol.
  • Capacity building, knowledge management and learning related to biodiversity conservation.
  • Investigate and secure sustainable funding initiatives and create a framework for robust governance around nature conservation work.

Provisional Agenda

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation

