the NPOA Validation Workshop and MEWG Meeting (Online In-situ)


1 Jan 1970

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the III Learning Exchange Workshop for CTI-CFF Between MPA Managers from Southeast Asia and the Atlantic Back-to-back with the MPA WG Meeting and the Training on the Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (R-SAT) for MPAs

Start: 03 July 2023
End: 07 July 2023
Status: Confirmed

About This Event


The aim of the learning exchange is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences on coral

reef restoration. Those exchanges will target few specific aspects of restoration of this ecosystem and

will count with examples of restoration in MPAs from the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Coral Triangle.

The draft Concept Note along with Agenda, and Logistics support of this event are in attachment 2.

Provisional Agenda

Please Refer to the Attached documents

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


Bali, Indonesia