The 8th Marine Protected Area (MPA) Working Group and 8th MPA Regional Exchange

28 October 2019
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The 8th MPA TWG MEETING and 8th MPA REX in October in Malaysia, 2019


The 8th Marine Protected Area (MPA) Working Group and 8th MPA Regional Exchange focused on strengthening the region-wide comprehensive, ecologically representative and well-managed Coral Triangle MPA System (CTMPAS) by conducting a review of its activities and effectiveness management tools.

The event was attended by representatives from CT6 countries (except Philippines) and development partners from WWF Coral Triangle Program and Coral Triangle Center.

The Government of Malaysia with support from Sabah Government and Sabah Marine Park hosted the events from 16th-19th October 2019 in Kota Kinabalu and Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia.

Photo caption 1: 
Session 1
Photo caption 2: 
Photo session

