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CTI-CFF and GIZ Regional Meeting Paves the Way for Collaborative Conservation Efforts

25 March 2024
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CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat



On Thursday, March 21, 2024, a meeting took place in Manila between the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Regional Secretariat team and representatives from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Regional Office. The meeting marked a pivotal moment in the pursuit of conservation efforts within the Coral Triangle region.


The CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat team, comprising the Executive Director (ED), Deputy Executive Directors for Program Services (DED-PS) and Corporate Services (DED-CS), Finance and Operations Manager (FOM), and Communications and Information Manager (CIM), engaged in fruitful discussions with Mr. Jan Steffen, the Regional Project Director of GIZ, and Ms. Ronja Schmidt, Advisor for the Solutions for Marine and Coastal Resilience in the Coral Triangle (SOMACORE) Program.

GIZ extended a warm welcome to the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat team, expressing their enthusiasm for supporting the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) 2.0, a critical framework for sustainable development in the Coral Triangle region. Both parties recognized the urgent need for collaborative efforts to address the challenges facing marine ecosystems and coastal communities.


Central to the discussions were the programmatic approaches adopted by each organization and the potential for synergies and collaboration. GIZ affirmed its commitment to supporting CTI-CFF, particularly through the SOMACORE program.


A key focus of collaboration will be on the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape (SSS) area, a region of immense ecological significance within the Coral Triangle. The Sulu Sulawesi region, spanning across Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, is renowned for its abundant biodiversity and critical function in providing essential habitats for sea turtles while facilitating their connectivity.


The CTI team and GIZ deliberated on concrete actions to be taken within the SSS area, including capacity-building efforts, community engagement, and the implementation of effective protected area management through sustainable development approaches and not purely from a standalone project perspective. The meeting also discussed a plan to formalize the partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Both parties expressed interest in signing the MOU by Coral Triangle Day 2024 in June 2024, a significant event slated to take place in Manado.


Photo caption 1: 
CTI-CFF and GIZ Regional Meeting

