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CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group Meeting and Sulu Sulawesi Seascape Regional Exchange

19 June 2023
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CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group Meeting and Sulu Sulawesi Seascape Regional Exchange has been conducted in Park Inn by Radisson North EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines on June 13-16, 2023, fully supported by USAID SUFIA TS. 


The EAFM WG meeting was conducted to finalize the draft Sustainable Coastal Fisheries and Poverty Reduction Initiative (COASTFISH) regional framework. In addition, the Sulu‐Sulawesi Seascape Regional Exchange (SSS REX) is a regional event of USAID Sustainable Fish Asia Technical Support (SuFiA TS) Activity that will provide technical support to CTI‐CFF in updating its Sub‐regional Plan for Managing Transboundary Fisheries in the Sulu‐Sulawesi Seascape (SSS): Taking an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) or commonly called the SSS EAFM Plan. 


The objectives of these two events are: 

a) To support CTI‐CFF review, update, and revise the COASTFISH Regional Framework 

b) To support CTI‐CFF during the conduct of its EAFM WG meeting 

c) To support CTI‐CFF in reviewing and updating its SSS EAFM Plan; and   

d) To strengthen capacities of CTI‐CFF members in integrating climate change adaptation and resilience measures, and integration of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in both COASTFISH Regional Framework and the SSS EAFM Plan.   

The EAFM Working Group Meeting and the SSS REX attended by 45 representatives from CT6 countries, CTI‐CFF Regional Secretariat, and CTI‐CFF strategic partners, by offline and online (hybrid).

The event was opened by AD Isidro M. Velayo, Jr. as Assistant Director for Technical Services Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resource, the Philippines.

During the meeting, the participants discussed 3 (three) main topics as follows:  

  1. Capacity Building Sessions and Review of COASTFISH (June 13, 2023)

On the first day, participants discussed regarding Climate change adaptation (CCA) and its relevance to COASTFISH which was facilitated by Ms. Margot Stiles and Mr. Robert Pomeroy. The meeting was opened by brief update and introduction to COASTFISH, led by Mr. Christover Rontinsulu as Deputy Executive Director – Program Service of CTI CFF Regional Secretariat. 

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They are also discussed Gender, Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) and its relevance to COASTFISH, led by Ms. Arlene Satapornvanit. Countries Recommended to strengthen the collection of gender-disaggregated data in fisheries. 


The day was closed by last session where the participants discussed COASTFISH Workshop: Revisiting and Updating the COASTFISH Initiative Regional Framework as follows:

  • Overview of COASTFISH and Regional Framework

  • Vision, Rationale and Purpose, Guiding Principles

  • Regional Roadmap: Plan and Strategy: Objectives and Activities

  • Considerations for CCA and GESI Integration into the COASTFISH framework

  • National Strategies for COASTFISH Initiative 

  • Integrating CCA and GESI into national strategies

  • Next Steps

On the first day, the participants acknowledged the alignment of COASTFISH to RPOA 2.0, and its importance in addressing and alleviating poverty in coastal communities.  They are also recommended to align the relevant activities under the sub-regional plan for managing transboundary fisheries in the SSS EAFM work with strategic approaches and other future regional programs/interventions. The needs to urge CT6 to continue to propose relevant management actions to the sub-regional plans also brought as attention. 

  1. Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Regional Exchange (June 14, 2023)

The day 2 was opened by Overview of the Sub-Regional Plan for Managing Transboundary Fisheries in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, which was facilitated by Mr. Robert Pomeroy. The participants discussed these topics:

  • Overview of the Plan Development Process

  • Scaling the Plan

  • Implementation Considerations

  • Contents of the plan

  • Major Threats and Issues

  • Sub-regional Goals

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During this session, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines provided their Country Updates. WWF as strategic partner also provided some updates regarding Tuna+ Program: a nature-based solution for EAFM. The participants closed day 2 by fill-up the List of suggested updates from the SSS REX.

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  1. CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group Meeting (June 15, 2023)

During EAFM Working Group Meeting, Dr. Norasma Dacho from Malaysia, as the Chair of EAFM Working Group led the meeting. CTI CFF Regional Secretariat provided the update on SOM-17 Decisions and facilitated the discussion for Workplan 2023. RPOA 2.0 related to the EAFM WG was also brought as attention. 

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Next steps: all participants of EAFM WG to discuss the next steps including the government review and endorsement process of the updated COASTFISH Regional Framework (to bring to next SOM-18). 


The series of events closed by the Chair of EAFM Working Group. 

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