CTI-CFF Newsletter Article 4th Quarter Oct-Dec 2022 - Issue 23

02 February 2023
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CTI-CFF would like to share with you our activity updates from October to December 2022.

The fourth quarter of 2022 saw continued efforts by the CTI-CFF (Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security) to address the challenges facing the marine ecosystem in the Coral Triangle region. At the Conference on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) COP13 held in Geneva, Switzerland, several new agreements were adopted to protect migratory species and their habitats.

The CTI-CFF also aimed at improving management and conservation of marine resources. These included the development of a regional database to track sustainable fishing practices and the creation of training programs for local communities and fishery management agencies. The organization also hosted several high-level meetings and workshops, bringing together experts and policymakers to discuss ways to promote sustainable marine resource management.

Despite these efforts, the challenges facing the marine ecosystem in the Coral Triangle region remain significant. The CTI-CFF remains dedicated to its mission of promoting the sustainable management of marine resources and the conservation of biodiversity in the region.

In the coming year, the CTI-CFF will continue to focus on promoting sustainable fishing practices, improving marine resource management, and supporting the development of innovative solutions to the challenges facing the marine ecosystem. The organization is committed to ensuring the long-term health and resilience of the region's marine resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

Please read our newsletter here or here or in a more convenient format here.


