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CTI-CFF University Partnership International Seminar: Life Below Water (SDG-14) – Celebrating Coral Triangle Day 2024

10 June 2024
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CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

CTI-CFF University Partnership International Seminar: Life Below Water (SDG-14) – Celebrating Coral Triangle Day 2024

The International Seminar on Life Below Water (SDG-14), held in Manado, Indonesia, marked a significant milestone in the celebration of Coral Triangle Day 2024. Despite being centered in Manado, the event saw enthusiastic participation from all Coral Triangle (CT) countries, driven by the collaborative efforts of the CTI-CFF University Partnership. Coordinated by Professor Grevo Gerung from Sam Ratulangi University, this international seminar became an international gathering of marine experts, brought together leading academics and marine scientists to discuss critical issues facing our oceans.

On Monday, June 10, 2024, the Faculty of Fisheries Auditorium at Sam Ratulangi University was a hive of activity. The seminar featured prominent speakers from various member universities of the CTI-CFF University Partnership. 

Prof. Dr. Grevo S. Gerung of Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia, set the stage with his opening address, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in marine conservation and research within the Coral Triangle region. Followed by an opening remark by the Executive Director of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat, Dr. Frank Keith Griffin. In his speech, Dr. Griffin emphasized the unique opportunity the event provided to harness the collective expertise and passion of academia from across the globe, to delve into the latest research, innovative technologies, and policy frameworks aimed at protecting and preserving life below water.

After the opening session, the seminar was started with a presentation from Prof. Dr. Farida Binti Mohammad of Universiti Terengganu, Malaysia. She brought up an insightful discussion on "Horseshoe Crab in Malaysia: Its Population and Distribution, Protection, and Awareness Campaign." Her presentation shed light on the vital role of horseshoe crabs in the marine ecosystem and the ongoing efforts to protect this ancient species.

Dr. Ralph Mana from the University of Papua New Guinea, shared his team's extensive research on marine biodiversity in Papua New Guinea. His presentation covered species inventory, the discovery of new species, ocean acidification, and coral adaptation, highlighting the rich and diverse marine life in the region.

Dr. Cristy S. Acabado from the University of the Philippines Visayas, captivated the audience with her presentation titled "Tiny Titans: Unlocking the Power of Plankton for a Sustainable Ocean." She delved into the crucial role of plankton in maintaining ocean health and their potential in driving sustainable marine practices.

Dr. Mario M. Cabral from Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e, Timor-Leste, discussed "Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems: Challenges for Implementing the National Ocean Policy (NOP) of Timor-Leste." His presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the climate change challenges faced by Timor-Leste and the strategic measures being implemented to safeguard its marine ecosystems.

Unfortunately, Prof. Dr. Transform Aqorau from Solomon Island National University was unable to attend, but his anticipated contributions were acknowledged by the organizing committee.

The half-day seminar saw the participation of hundreds of students and marine observers from Manado, all eager to learn from and engage with the experts. The event was further enlivened by a performance from the Sam Ratulangi University student choir, adding a cultural touch to the scientific discussions.