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IUCN World Congress #WCC_9690: September 2, 2016 - Let's Join the Session!

12 August 2016
Uploaded By: 
Andie Wibianto

Innovation in Protecting Marine Ecosystems and Managing Fisheries and Tourism in the Coral Triangle – Collaborative Approaches #WCC_969


The IUCN World Conservation Congress is happening on September 1-10, 2016 in Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. 

The World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy are hosting a session on, “Innovation in Protecting Marine Ecosystems and Managing Fisheries and Tourism in the Coral Triangle - Collaborative Approaches #WCC_9690” on Friday, September 2, 2016 at 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Room 313C. Please see attached flyer for more details of the program and objectives. We enjoin you to take part of this session as we showcase some of the best practices in the CT Region.


Partners in the Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries & Food Security (CTI-CFF) are implementing innovative approaches to increase effectiveness of MPAs and rebuild fish stocks for benefit of local fishers & businesses. They also work with the tourism sector to encourage operators to be part of MPA management and protect high value conservation areas through best practices & financing mechanisms. Collaborative management approaches are important for effective and sustainably funded and managed MPAs with roles, responsibilities and benefits shared between national and local authorities, communities, private sector, resource owners and users.


This 2-hour workshop will enable sharing lessons from several MPAs designed in collaboration with key stakeholders and that work to protect biodiversity, people and their livelihoods and help manage industries such as fisheries and tourism. The target audience includes key decision makers: MPA managers, Government; Industry and Community, Coastal resource owners and users.



 1. To contribute to efforts to expand networks of critical marine areas that are protected, effectively      

    managed and sustainably financed.

2. To improve understanding of and support for MPAs and to reverse the loss of marine biodiversity and    

    declining sources of food and livelihoods.

3. Identify key messages for lessons sharing and for policy advocacy 




17:00   Opening & Welcome

              Overview of Collaborative Approaches to Ecosystem Management

17:10   Case Study Presentations:


  • Koon Island, Central Moluccas & Cendrawasih Bay, Papua,            Indonesia by Veda Santiadji, Coral Triangle Support Program      Leader, WWF-Indonesia
  • Birds Head Seascape, Papua Indonesia - Ketut Putra, Vice President, Conservation International Indonesia
  • Palawan Island, Philippines - Jackie Thomas, Leader, WWF Coral Triangle Coordination Team


17:40    Community perspective - Moira Dasipio, Vice President, Isabel     Mothers' Union,                    Solomon Islands Industry Perspective (tbc) and     Leonie Kanawie, General                                Secretary for Women (Pihi) Environment     Development Forum, Manus, Papua                        New Guinea


18:00    Working Group Marketplace roundtable

18:45     Plenary and report back


19:00     Closing





Jackie Thomas

WWF Coral Triangle Coordination Team Leader,


Andie Wibianto

CTI-CFF Communication and Information Manager,


Astrid V. Lim

 CTI-CFF Head of Technical Working Group 

