Maritime LGN Activities : 1st General Assembly and 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium

05 August 2016
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Kirana Agustina

Maritime LGN 1st General Assembly

The 1st General Assembly meeting was held in Patuno Resort, Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi, on June 2-4, 2016 and was attended by delegates from Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and a number of regencies from Indonesia. Malaysia was unable to join the meeting due to official commitments and unforeseen circumstances, as well as Philippines and Timor Leste. The event was supported by the local Government of Wakatobi, USAID/ USDOI, CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat, and partners (CTC, TNC, WWF, RARE, and UCLG-ASPAC).

Participants of Maritime LGN 1st General Assembly

Mayor of Wakatobi Regency, Mr. Hugua opened the meeting with a welcome remark. In his remarks, he highlighted the important roles of the local governments in implementing CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) on the ground. In this case, solid management structure of CTI-CFF Maritime LGN was imperative in pursuing better coordination within local government in the CT countries. Also attending in this meeting was Dr. Ir. Achmad Poernomo M. App. Sc., representing the NCC Indonesia and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

During the meeting, Maritime LGN statute and constitution were adopted. Mr. Hugua was also appointed to continue the task as Maritime LGN Interim Chairman until the election in the next General Assembly.


The 1st CTI-CFF Local Government Network (LGN) General Assembly was simultaneously joined and commenced with International Workshop on the Role of Local Governments in Implementing the Lima Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO-MAB) and ASWINDO Workshop on Supporting Marine Tourism Acceleration.The three entities agreed on the following integrated activities:



  1. 1). CTI-CFF LGN, ASWINDO and MAB-UESCO agreed to develop capacity building program that can benefit the members of the three networks;
  2. 2). Encourage local governments of the three networks to develop and support biosphere reserve areas for sustainable development are to be integrated with regional development planning of the local government (RPJMD and PERDA); and
  3. 3). Encourage local governments to play the role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals number 14 by promoting and developing sustainable marine tourism that can benefit local community and economy in each respected countries.


13th International Coral Reefs Symposium

The Maritime LGN Task Force Team participated the 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium (ICRS) in Honolulu, Hawaii on 19-24 June 2016. The team delivered two presentations at Session 72: Marine Resource Sustainability, Conservation and Management in the Coral Triangle & Southeast Asia to promote and disseminate the network and its roadmap:

-     CTI-CFF Maritime LGN: To Improve Coastal and Marine Resource

-     Strengthening the Maritime LGN: Toward a Self-reliant Maritime LGN to Support CTI-CFF RPOA and NPOA Implementation.


Positive responses and appreciation were received for the initiative and works. During the event, one of the important meetings attended was with the Hawaii Government, Representative Gene Ward. It was discussed that CTI-CFF Maritime LGN could build the network with the state of Hawaii in terms of city sisters which was successfully done with Bali Province. Several meetings were also attended by the team to promote, strengthen the network and its programs and explore wider collaboration.


Appreciation to USAID/USDOI and CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat for the support given to Maritime LGN to participate in this event and looking forward for future working relationship.

Photo caption 1: 
The 1st General Assembly LGN Meeting

