Socialization of the Program Support for the Integration of Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Indonesia’s Biodiversity and Climate Policies

08 December 2022
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Bappenas and the ICCTF, with the support of funding from the Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD)—Fiche de Saisane de La Facilite 2050—are socializing the implementation of Program Support for the Integration of Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Indonesia's Biodiversity and Climate Policies. This project has aimed to integrate national and sub-national policies through the implementation of the Indonesian Blue Carbon Strategic Framework (IBCSF), the construction of the roadmap, the national baseline, the MRV (monitoring, reporting, and verification) of blue carbon, and the capacity building of national and sub-national authorities in relation to blue carbon.

The event was conducted in North Sulawesi (Manado) because it was one of the pilot project sites for the Blue Carbon Project in Indonesia. This event had become the introduction phase of the pilot project for the provincial government, local government, academicians, NGOs, and related organizations in North Sulawesi. The event was conducted in Bahasa Indonesia.

