Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM)

Outreach Materials

# Documents Documents Link
1 Poster: Trochus Fisheries Management
2 Poster: Commercially important species of sea cucumber - minimum catch-size and notes on management; Labele kaer Banabe ne’e ho medida ki’ik liu ne’e
3 Technical Brief: An Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) and the Coral Triangle Initiative, September 2011


# Documents Documents Link
1 Guidelines: Toward Ecosystem-based Coastal Area and Fisheries Management in the Coral Triangle: Integrated Strategies and Guidance
2 Guidelines: Coral Triangle Regional Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Guidelinese
3 Guidelines: Incorporating Climate and Ocean Change into an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Plan
4 Guidelines: Incorporating Climate and Ocean Change into an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) PlanFAO Technical Guidelines For Responsible Fisheries Supplement 4: Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries, 2011

Activity reports

# Documents Documents Link
1 Activity Report: The 3rd Coral Triangle Fisheries Forum
2 The Third Coral Triangle Fishers Forum Communiqué
3 Activity Report: Sustainable Fisheries Workshop Report, Tun Mustapha Park, Kudat, Malaysia, Sept 23-24, 2010
4 Activity Report: Stakeholder Workshop on the Management of the Live Reef Fish Trade in Papua New Guinea
6 Annual 7th EAFM MEETING Activity Report
7 Report: 3rd CTI Regional Exchange on the Implementation of EAFM in the Coral Triangle Countries, May 2012
8 Report: First Coral Triangle Fisher's Forum Outcomes and Opportunities
9 Report: CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on an Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Live Reef Fish Food Trade in the Coral Triangle, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, October 2010
10 Report: CTI-CFF Regional Exchange and Policy Workshop on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, September 2011
11 Report: Regional Exchange on Enhancing Local Government and Stakeholder Capacity for Ecosystems Based Fisheries Management, Cebu, Philippines, June-July 2009
12 Activity Report: Lokakarya Nasional Penentuan Indikator Pendekatan Ekosistem Dalam Pengelolaan Perikanan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia (National Workshop on Ecosystem Approach In Determining Fisheries Management in Indonesia)


# Documents Documents Link
1 Brochure: Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management - Indonesian progress in implementing EAFM
2 Brochures: Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah Malaysia
3 Brochure: Ministerial Diploma and Co-Management - Together we can
4 Brochure: Benefits of no-take zones
5 Brochure: Transformations for Tomorrow - the CTSP Project in the Philippines
6 Brochure: Hindi lahat ng “dulong” ay dulong

Sulu Sulawesi EAFM

# Documents Documents Link
2 Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
3 Regional Strategic Action Program
4 Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, Ecosystem Approach Fisheries Management (EAFM) Implementation Planning Meeting June 2-5, 2015 Manado, Indonesia

Policy Brief

# Documents Documents Link
1 Policy Brief: Using Marine Protected Area Networks to Achieve Fisheries, Biodiversity and Climate Change Objectives
2 Policy Report: Review of Malaysian Laws and Policies in Relation to the Implementation of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Malaysia - Final Report
3 Resolution on Sustainable Live Reef Food Fish Trade for the Southeast Asian and CTI-CFF Countries

Training Materials

# Documents Documents Link
1 Coastfish Workshop 2017
2 Terms of Reference CTI-CFF/USAID SOACAP Activity 2.1 CTI-CFF Public Private Partnership (PPP) Preparation (Technical Program)
3 Proceedings: Fourth CTI-CFF EAFM Technical Working Group Meeting, November 24-25, 2013
4 Proceedings: CTI-CFF 3rd EAFM Technical Working Group Meeting, Sanur, May 14-16, 2013
5 Training material: Designing Effective Locally Managed Areas in Tropical Marine Environments - Flip Charts Part Two (Indonesian)
6 Study: Planning the Use of Fish for Food Security in Solomon Islands, September 2011
7 Study: Mapping Fisheries Dependence and Aquaculture Development in Timor-Leste: A Scoping Study, September 2011

Fact Sheets

# Documents Documents Link
1 Factsheet: Gazettement and Development of Tun Mustapha Park Integrated Management Plan
2 Fact sheet: Developing Zoning Plan for Tun Mustapha Park
3 Fact sheet: Fisheries Management in Tun Mustapha Park
4 Fact sheet: Managing the Live Reef Fish Trade in Sabah, Malaysia
5 Fact sheet: Little Big Fish: A study of Dulong fisheries in the Philippines
6 The Coral Triangle Initiative Integrated Toolkit (Fact sheet)
7 Factsheet: Valuation Study of the proposed Tun Mustapha Park
8 Factsheet: Sustaining Fisheries in Tun Mustapha Park, Part 2
9 Factsheet: Sustaining Fisheries in Tun Mustapha Park, Part 1

Technical Reports

# Documents Documents Link
1 Final Report: Lessons from the US Coral Triangle Support Program
2 Technical Report: Sustainable Livelihoods and an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management
3 Technical Report: An Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning
4 Technical Report: Indikator Keberhasilan Pendekatan Ekosistem Dalam Pengelolaan Perikanan dan Penilaian Awal pada Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia (EAFM and Preliminary Assessment on Regional Fisheries Management Indonesia)
5 Technical Report: Keragaan Pendekatan Ekosistem Dalam Pengelolaan Perikanan: di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management: Fisheries in Indonesia) - Main Report
6 Technical Report: An Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning
7 Technical Report: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM): A Solomon Islands Policy Review
8 Technical Report: Principles for Best Practice for Community-Based Resource Management (CBRM) in Solomon Islands
9 Technical Report: Review of National Laws and Legislation in the Philippines in Relation to Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM)
10 Technical Report: Small Fish, Big Impact: Dulong Fisheries of San Juan, Batangas, Philippines - A Synthesis Report
11 Technical Report: Fisheries Assessment for Feasibility of Spatial Management of Two Major Commercial Fishing Gears within the proposed Tun Mustapha Park
12 Technical Report: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) - Country Position Paper, Malaysia
13 Technical Report: Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Papua New Guinea
14 Technical Report: Implementation of Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the Coral Triangle
15 Technical Report: Determination of fishery and socio-economic effects of SIMCA on local fishing communities and evaluation of the effects of reserve protection on reef fish size and abundance
16 Report: Intergovernmental Forum on Live Reef Food Fish Trade (LRFFT) held in Bangkok, Thailand on January 31-February 1, 2013

Other Reference Materials

# Documents Documents Link
1 Final Report: Lessons from the US Coral Triangle Support Program
2 Working paper: Analyzing The (Mis)Fit Between Institutional And Ecological Networks Of The Coral Triangle Report To The WWF-US Coral Triangle Support Partnership
3 Statistics: Coral Triangle Geographic and Fisheries Data Compilation, 2010
4 Statistics: Coral Triangle Facts, Figures and Calculations: Patterns of Biodiversity and Endemism, December 2008
5 Map: Live Reef Fish Trade Routes in the Coral Triangle

Ecosystem Approach to Management of Fisheries (EAFM) and Other Marine Resources Fully Applied

  • Chairperson: Malaysia
  • Vice Chair: Papua New Guinea

This is the link to Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management TOR/Rules and Regulation:

  • Rules of Procedures of the CTI-CFF Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management
  • Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management Working Group Goals, Targets and Indicators
  • The CTI-CFF Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Working Group is a working group developed by the six (6) Member Countries on achieving the Goal 2 of CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action, Ecosystem Approach to Management of Fisheries (EAFM) and other Marine Resources Fully Applied. This working group plans, develops, and manages fisheries in a manner that addresses the multiple needs and desires of societies, without threatening the ecosystems and marine resources for the benefit of the future generation.

    The CTI-CFF EAFM members from 2021 – present are as follows:

    Country Name
    Indonesia Dr. Ir. RIDWAN MULYANA, M.T, FERY SUTYAWAN, S.Pi, MPP, M.T Indonesia NCC Secretariat
    Member of CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group Director of Fisheries Resources Management Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Indonesia Coordinator of Inland Sea Fish Resources, Territorial and Archipelagic Waters, Directorate Management of Fish Resources, Directorate General. Capture Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Indonesia NCC
    Chair Malaysia Dr. Norasma Dacho Ms. Sylvia Scholastica Michael Dalansing Malaysia NCC Secretariat
    Chair of CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group Principal Assistant Director for Resource Management and Conservation Office Department of Fisheries Fisheries Officer, Department of Fisheries Sabah Malaysia NCC Secretariat
    Co-Chair Papua New Guinea Ms. Lorel Dandava Ms. Rachel Rabi Papua New Guinea NCC Secretariat
    Manager for Inshore Fisheries, National Fisheries Authority, Papua New Guinea Inshore Fisheries Officer, National Fisheries Authority Papua New Guinea NCC Secretariat
    Philippines Atty. Demosthenes R. Escoto Mr. Isidro M. Velayo, Jr Philippines NCC Secretariat
    OIC Director for Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources OIC, Office of the Assistant Director for Technical Services Philippines NCC Secretariat
    Solomon Islands Ms. Ivory Akao Ms. Assaneth Buarafi Ms. Nelly Kere
    Deputy Director Inshore Fisheries Division, Inshore Fisheries Management Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Principal Fisheries Officer, Community Based Resource Management, Ministry of FIsheries and Marine Resources Chief Program Officer, Ministry of Environment Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
    Timor Leste Mr. Timotio Alves Ms. Joaquina da Silva
    Technical Staff for Department of Capture and Post-Harvest Technical Staff under National Directorate Marine Spatial Planning, Management and Capture Aquatic Resources, Department: Capture and Post-Harvest
    --- ---

    The previous Eco-system Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Chairs and Co-Chairs are as follows:

    Year Chair Country Co-Chair Country
    2021 - Current Dr. Norasma Dacho Malaysia Ms. Lorel Dandava Papua New Guinea
    2020 - 2021 TBC Timor-Leste Dr. Norasma Dacho Malaysia
    2018 - 2019 Dr. Jose Lucas da Silva Timor-Leste Dr. Norasma Dacho Malaysia
    2015 - 2017 Ms. Rosalie Masu Solomon Islands Mr. Horacio Guterres Timor-Leste
    2013 - 2015 Dr. Toni Ruchimat Indonesia Ms. Rosalie Masu Solomon Islands
    2011 - 2013 Dato' Rayner Stuel Galid Malaysia - -

    The CTI-CFF EAFM Working Group has collaborated with the US Department of Interior and the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership for the implementation of the electronic Catch and Documentation System (e-CDTS) for Tuna Fisheries from 2017 to 2019 under the Strengthening Organisational and Administrative Capacity for Improve Fisheries Management (SOACAP-IFM). The e-CDTS is a software developed by the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership that will record, among other things, the fishing ground location and the size of tuna catch in order to combat Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing in three Priority Seascapes.

  • The proposed Transboundary Approach to Securing Coral Reef Fisheries and Biodiversity Resources in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape project has been accepted by CT6 countries for GEF submission.
  • A virtual learning exchange between Atlantic and Asia Pacific on Coral Reefs rehabilitation will be done this year in conjunction with CTI-CFF RS, ASEAN ACB and the WWF EU Ocean Governance project
  • Sustainable Fisheries in Asia (SUFIA) is supported by USAID RDMA for SEAFDEC and CTI-CFF for 2 years (2020 to 2022) which was launched in 2020
  • Other examples of the accomplishments of the EAFM Working Group include:

  • Completed Sulu-Sulawesi Sub-Regional EAFM Implementation Plan in March 2020
  • Conducted the 3rd Coral Triangle Fisheries Forum (Coastfish) 2017.
  • Development of Towards Ecosystem based Coastal Area and Fisheries Management in the Coral Triangle: Integrated Strategies and Guidance.
  • Development of the manual “Incorporating Climate and Ocean Change into an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Plan.”
  • Development of Integration Guide Brief – Toward Ecosystem-based Coastal Area and Fisheries Management in the Coral Triangle, Integrated Strategies and Guidelines.
  • Conducted 3rd EAFM Regional Exchange on the Implementation of EAFM in the Coral Triangle Countries.
  • Conducted CTI-CFF Regional Exchange and Policy Workshop on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (2011).
  • Conducted CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on EAFM LRFFT in the CTI (2010).
  • Completed its EAFM Framework.
  • Developed its M&E indicators.
  • Completed its Terms of Reference.
  • Started conducting EAFM trainings at the regional and local level.
  • Adoption of the EAFM training module by the six (6) Member Countries and some are conducting their own trainings nation-wide.
  • Collaborated with the Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating lllegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (RPOA-IUU).
  • Strengthened fisheries policies and legislations among member countries.
  • Initiated discussions on tuna management, protection and governance.
  • Developed a roadmap to achieve the targets of Goal 2 of the RPOA.
  • Developed a resolution on LRFFT and conducted a consultative forum on LRFFT.
  • Workplan for 2023 and proposed Budget

    Planned Activities Time Frame Proposed Budget Online
    8th EAFM Working Group Meeting together with Seascapes WG and discussion workshop on the outcome and output Indicator B1.1.2.a from RPOA 2.0
    • Q1-Q2
    • PH or ID
    • PG: Q3-Q4
    • USD 8,500
    • Similar approach would follow SWG
    Output Indicator B1.1.2.a

    A regional action plan/programs to promote and share knowledge, technology, and best practices are supported/implemented for COASTFISH regional framework is established, by 2023

    There are many more outcomes and outputs indicators, but they are due later than 2023

    -- SUFIA TS:
    • The proposed workshop will be brought up to RDMA; and
    • The Budget is pending further discussion and approval of RDMA


    # Date Location Meeting Title Meeting Documents
    1 10-11rd March 2020 Manila, Philippine Implementation Workshop for the SULU-SULAWESI SEASCAPE Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Plan
    2 2-3rd September 2019 Manila, Philippine The 7th EAFM Working Group Meeting
    3 24-26th June 2019 Dili, Timor-Leste Catch Documentation and traceability (CDT) system design and Development Based on Ecosystem Approach to Management of Fisheries (EAFM) Workshop. (Funding from the US Department of Interior through the Strengthening Organizational and Administrative Capacity (SOACAP) activities)
    4 6-11th August 2018 Bali, Indonesia Regional Training Workshop on EAFM with Corredor Marino del Pacifico Este Tropical (CMAR), Bali, Indonesia.
    5 25-28th June 2018 Bitung, Indonesia Learning Exchange for Coral Triangle Member countries to the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnerships Learning Site (Bitung, Indonesia) on the application of Catch Documentation and traceability (CDT) system for Fisheries and Seafood Products. (Funding from the US Department of Interior through the Strengthening Organizational and Administrative Capacity (SOACAP) activities)
    6 April 2018 Jakarta, Indonesia CTI-CFF Public Private Partnership (PPP) Preparation: Expert-Consultation Meeting on PPP Design and Arrangement. (Funding from the US Department of Interior through the Strengthening Organizational and Administrative Capacity (SOACAP) activities)
    7 1-2 August 2017 Tagaytay City, Philippaines COASTFISH Workshop
    8 7 July 2017 Iloilo City, Philippines Tuna Governance Workshop, Iloilo City, Philippines
    9 6 July 2017 Iloilo City, Philippines The Third Coral Triangle Fishers Forum Communiqué
    10 4-6 July 2017  Iloilo City, Philippines the 3rd Coral Triangle Fisheries Forum (COASTFISH)
    11 November, 2015 Manado, Indonesia 6th EAFM Working Group Meeting
    12 1 June 2015 Manado, Indonesia 5th EAFM Working Group Meeting
    13 24-25 Nov 2013 Manila, Philippines 4th EAFM Working Group Meeting, Manila
    14 14-16 May 2013 Bali, Indonesia 3rd EAFM Working Group Meeting
    15 25 May 2012 Putrajaya, Malaysia 2nd EAFM Working Group Meeting
    16 10-15 October 2011 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Conducted CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on EAFM LRFFT in the CTI
    17 20-23 September 2011 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia CTI-CFF Regional Exchange and Policy Workshop on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management
    18 1 September 2011 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 1st EAFM Working Group Meeting

    Reference Materials