Gallery: Marine Experts and Conservation Practitioners Gather for Climate and Reef Resilience Workshop

Scientists, marine planners, and conservationists gather in a three-day workshop to discuss the problems coral reefs are experiencing under climate change and how they affect fisheries and people’s livelihoods. ©CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat/2018/Peter Mumby

A team of marine experts and conservation practitioners gather together to develop a project that will address the problems throughout the Sulu-Sulawesi seascape that spans Palawan in the Philippines, Sabah in Malaysia and both Kalimantan and Sulawesi in Indonesia. ©CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat/2018/Peter Mumby

Professor Peter Mumby, marine expert and professor from the Marine Spatial Ecology Lab., School of Biological Sciences of the University of Queensland, Australia discusses new approaches to rebuilding fisheries and enhancing reef resilience. ©CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat/2018/Nora Ibrahim

(Seated from right to left) Two Australian Marine Experts, Prof. Peter Mumby of the University of Queensland and Prof. Naomi Gardner of James Cook University chair the meeting on climate and reef resilience with members of the National Coordinating Committee of Indonesia. ©CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat/2018/Nora Ibrahim