CT6 begins discussion on setting up CTI Trust Fund

05 April 2021
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The Representatives from the six member countries (CT6) of CTI-CFF have started meetings on the setting up of the CTI-CFF Regional Conservation Trust Fund (RCTF) with experts from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA). In the series of CTI-CFF RCTF meetings that started in January 2021, Dr. David Meyers of CFA had discussed WCS/CFA roles and responsibilities, proposed Mission, budget requirements, draft terms of reference for Technical Committee and Advisory Board and the governance structure. Dr. Meyers serves as the main advisor and consultant in setting up the CTI-CFF RCTF. The CTI-CFF RCTF is envisaged to be endorsed during the 16 th Senior Officials Meeting of the CTI-CFF.

The CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat (RS) through the efforts of Dr. Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin had initiated the discussion on CTI-CFF RCTF. Dr. Kushairi thanked the representatives of CT6 for their participation in the series of meetings which shows the countries desire to provide sustainable financing to CTI-CFF’s biodiversity conservation efforts in the region. He also thanked WCS and CFA who have been helping CTI-CFF, and RS build its capacity for regional sustainable finance planning and implementation through a webinar in 2020 and a series of consultations of the RS with them. The technical assistance of WCS to CTICFF is made possible through the funding of KfW/EU.

