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CTI-CFF inks declaration of support for WCS-KfW project

21 February 2020
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CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

Manado, Indonesia, February 2020 – CTI-CFF showed its support to the new partnership project between Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and KfW Development Bank in Indonesia.

CTI-CFF through Regional Secretariat Executive Director, Dr. Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin witnessed the signing ceremony and was one of the signatories to the declaration of support to marine biodiversity and coastal fisheries project of WCS and KfW. This project is part of the general support in conservation to the Government of Indonesia, led by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

The six-year project with EU funding of 9.75 million Euro will be focusing on development of MPAs and fisheries management in two areas in Indonesia namely, North Sulawesi and North Maluku. In the Philippines, the project will focus on the province of Palawan and provinces in the south of Mindanao and shall start an initial assessment and scoping. At the regional level, the project will support CTI-CFF by providing technical and capacity inputs on sustainable finance, fisheries climate change modelling and adaptation planning, IUU fishing and wildlife trafficking, and integrated land-sea management approaches.

Present at the signing ceremony were H.E. Vincent Piket, European Union Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam; Dr. Christine Heimburger, Director for East Asia/Pacific of KfW Development Bank; the Second Secretary to the Governor of North Sulawesi, Mr. Praseno Hadi, Mr. Ir. Noel Layuk Allo, Head of Nature Conservation Agency North Sulawesi, and Dr. Noviar Andayani, Country Director WCS Indonesia Program.

