CTI MPA Learning Network Kicks Off Activities in Bali

30 March 2012
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The CTI-CFF Marine Protected Area (MPA) Learning Network conducted its first round of activities in Bali, Indonesia on March 26-30, 2012 in conjunction with 3rd CTI Regional Exchange on Designing and Supporting Regional and National MPA systems. Network members visited Nusa Penida MPA and learned about effective tools and management practices such as data collection and zoning process; public consultation and government commitment; and the development of a learning site. Network members also discussed specific activities needed to advance the Coral Triangle MPA System in the next 12-18 months. The Bali-based Coral Triangle Center (CTC) led the learning network activities on behalf of the CTI-CFF and focused on building network members’ MPA management capacity.  The establishment of a CTI-CFF MPA Learning Network led by the CTC was finalized during CTI Learning Network Planning Meeting in Manila on March 2011. Subsequent review of related learning networks and further consultation with the key MPA stakeholders within the Coral Triangle to define priority services and activities. The CTI MPA Learning Network is supported by the US CTI Support Program under its small grant facility. Visit the CTC website  for highlights of these learning network activities.

Caption: CTI MPA Learning Network members listen to a community member discuss about setting up a learning site at the Nusa Penida MPA
Credit: CTC

