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21 December 2018
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 The 7th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting (MM-7)

 14 December 2018, Makati City – Philippines



The 7th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting (MM-7) was held on 14th December 2018 in Makati City, the Republic of Philippines.


The Meeting was chaired by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, H.E. Roy A. Cimatu, Secretary of Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines; and co-chaired by the representative of Council of Ministers of the Solomon Islands Government, represented by H.E. Rosalie Masu, Deputy Director of In-shore Fisheries Division, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources;


and attended by representatives of the Government of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. Suseno Sukoyono, the Minister’s Advisor from Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries for Public and Inter-Agency Relations; the Government of Malaysia, H.E. Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, the Deputy Minister for Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC); the Government of Papua New Guinea, H.E. Yvonne Tio, Executive Manageress, Conservation and Environment Protection Authority; and the Government of Timor-Leste, H.E. Acacio Guterres, Director General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.


Bearing in mind that the Coral Triangle Initiative Leaders' Declaration on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security signed on 15 May 2009 in Manado, Indonesia sets the fundamental foundation for the conservation and sustainable management of coastal and marine resources within the Coral Triangle region;


Recalling the commitments of CTI-CFF in pursuit of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) implementation and to transform such goals along with its targets and regional actions into workable action plans with mutual and coherent coordination at CTI-CFF national levels.


Recognizing that the term of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) shall conclude in 2019 and actions are in place for the development of the Regional Plan of Action 2.0 (RPOA 2.0) to ensure CTI-CFF maintains its relevance as a regional platform to put oceans at the forefront of regional and national policy agendas in achieving significant progress on Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14) – life underwater ; related SDGs, and emerging issues in the Coral Triangle area, and our global oceans, where this matters most.


Accepting the need for comprehensive monitoring, knowledge sharing, communication of timely information between member countries, Development Partners, Collaborators and other key stakeholders based on science for decision-making for the benefit of human well-being.


Agreeing that the CTI-CFF recognizes the importance of ocean ecosystems for food security and livelihoods; and it is critical to forge and maintain close partnerships while mobilizing resources.


We, the Ministers and Heads of Delegations, hereby:



Express our highest gratitude and appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Philippines for the warm hospitality and successful hosting of the pre-14th Senior Officials’ Meeting (Pre-SOM), the 14th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-14) and the 7th Ministerial Meeting (MM-7);



Adopt the Chair’s Summaries of the 13th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-13),    Special SOM 2018,  and the 14th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-14);



Appreciate the contribution and leadership of the Government of the Republic of Philippines as the Chair of the Council of Ministers (COM) and the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), and the Government of Solomon Islands as Vice Chair for 2017 and 2018;



Elect the Government of Solomon Islands and Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste as the Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, of the Council of Ministers (COM) and Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) for two (2) years from 2019 to 2020;



Appreciate that the Agreement on the Regional Secretariat of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) (with annexes) was registered and recorded with the United Nations Secretary General on 1st November 2017;



Congratulate the Regional Secretariat and appreciate the acceptance of the CTI-CFF as a member of International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) at the 33rd ICRI General Meeting in Monaco on 5-7 December 2018; 



Accept and appreciate Dr. Sharifah Nora Ibrahim as Acting Executive Director of the CTI Regional Secretariat upon the resignation of Executive Director, Dr. Widi Agoes Pratikto on 10th June 2018;



Accept the nomination made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and designation by the CTI CSO of Dr. Hendra Yusran Siry as the Interim Executive Director (IED) effective 1st October 2018;



Accept the amendment to Staff Regulation 7.3 with additional sentence that reads “The appointment mechanism for the Executive Director shall be made to observe the principle of rotation in alphabetical order among CTI-CFF Member Parties”;



Agree to delegate the responsibility and power of appointment to CTI CSO for the appointments of the new Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director for Corporate Services pursuant to Staff Regulation 7.2;



Endorse the 2019 Regional Secretariat’s Organization Chart in Annex 1;



Endorse the Special Audit Report for 2014 to 2016 and the 2017 Audit Report in Annex 2;



Appreciate the annual countries’ financial contributions, and note the outstanding contribution of other member countries in Annex 3;



Endorse the transition of the Coordination Mechanism Working Group to the Internal Resource Committee;



Endorse the establishment of the Internal Resource Committee (IRC) and its Terms of Reference (TOR) and Chair and Vice-Chair to follow the chair and vice-chair for the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) and the Council of Ministers (COM);



Accept the result of the review of RPOA and continue the process of the RPOA 2.0 development with involvement from all CT6 Member Parties, Development Partners, Collaborators, and relevant resource organizations;



Adopt Lesser Sunda Ecoregion and Bismarck Solomon Sea Ecoregion (BSSE) as CTI-CFF Priority Seascapes;



Appreciate the continued support from CTI-CFF Development Partners and Collaborators and welcome further cooperation towards meeting the goals of CTI-CFF;



Acknowledge the Development Partners’ reflections and response to CTI-CFF’s achievements, challenges, and willingness to move forward in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration;



Recognize the achievements of the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape Project through the completion of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and GIZ by December 31, 2018;



Endorse and welcome the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as a new CTI-CFF Development Partner;



Approve that the revised 2019 Budget shall be based on country contribution for 2018;



Accept the 2017 Audit Report indicating a cash surplus of USD951,168.00 and task the Regional Secretariat to prepare options on the utilization of the cash surplus through the submission of a supplementary budget by 28 February 2019;



Agree to delegate powers and responsibilities to the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) to make decisions on the utilization of the cash surplus; and


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Endorse that the 2nd CTI-CFF Leaders’ Summit to be held in 2020.

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