The CCA Technical Working Group Online Meeting


1 Jan 1970

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Third Booster Vaccination for the Regional Staff at the CTI Center Office

11 April 2022
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In support of the Indonesian government effort to curb and quell the spread of the COVID-19, the medical team led by Dr Deisy Supir from the Bailang Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat – Puskesmas) Manado, Health Department administered the Third (3rd) / Booster jab for the Regional Staff at the CTI Center Lobby on the 11th of April.

The inoculation of the jab started around 10 o’clock in the morning. The RS staff who promptly gathered and availed of the said jab was led by the DED -CS in the person of Mr. Gustaaf Adolf Lumiu. We are thankful for the good turn-out of the RS staff who availed of the said vaccination activity.

A photo documentation of the said medical undertaking was successfuly done and made available for the viewing pleasure of anyone. Thank you for your kind support


