Training of Trainers (ToT) on MPAs and Sharks and Rays planned for early April

25 March 2021
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Training of Trainers (ToT) on MPAs and Sharks and Rays planned for early April

The Regional Secretariat circulated the invitation and announcement from the MMAF and WWF regarding the Pre-Symposium Workshop 5-6 April 2021: Training of Trainers (ToT) WWF Shark and Ray: MPA for Sharks & Rapid Assessment Tool (RAT)


Date : 5-6 April 2021

Time : 10.00 – 13.00 (Manado time)

Participants: Limited to 5 representatives from each CTI-CFF member countries - Representatives should be a technical person who work on and/or involved in Sharks and Rays programmatic and able to build a pool of competent instructors who can then teach the materials to other people.


Registration open : 22 March 2021

Deadline Registration : 30 March 2021


Tools used during this workshop are:




Workshop attendees are expected to read both tools beforehand, and to bring a real-life MPA case study to work on during the workshop that fits one or more of the following scenarios.

• Incorporating sharks and rays into existing MPAs designed for other purposes

• Designing new MPAs to conserve sharks and rays

• Protecting critical habitat to facilitate the recovery of threatened sharks and rays

• Designing networks of MPAs to protect the pathways of migratory sharks and rays


Please register official NCCs participation with the Regional Secretariat via email:, by submitting the Registration form.


For more information on this TOT workshop :


Photo caption 1: 
TOT on MPAs Sharks and Rays